Professor BlackTruth - MoT #543 Arab Leaders In Michigan Refuse To See Biden
Joe Biden got big arab voter support in 2020, especially after he overturned Trump's muslim ban. But Biden's plowing billions into the Israeli military and his silence on the enormous casualties in Gaza has them deciding that they can weather four more years of Trump.
Professor BlackTruth - MoT #542 Modern Slavery In America, Billions Made Off Forced Prison Labor
Angola penitentiary in Louisiana has used prisoners as slave labor to work for and enrich the biggest corporations in America. The 13th Amendment allows the government (federal, state and local) to force Black people back into bondage and the same way corporations made billions off of it during chattel slavery corporations are making a killing off of it today.
Professor BlackTruth - MoT #541 Should Blacks Support Biden For His Marijuana Pardons?
Biden has made a show of giving pardons to mostly Black people for marijuana convictions and for making noises about "reclassifying" the drug to lessen the penalties. But should that be sufficient for him to get our vote?
The Black Authority - Is There A White-Asian Racist Coalition?
1-28-2023: Is there an asian/white racist coalition? We explain.
Professor BlackTruth - The Untalented Tenth, When Ego Meets Treason
WEB DuBois coined the phrase "talented tenth," his hope for a group of Black people who would achieve wealth and power and then use their positions to lead Black America properly. Why hasn't this group materialized?
The Black Authority - A.I. Being Used to Target Black People
1-27-2023: We look at how A.I. is being used to target Black people.
The Business - Men, Commit Or Lose Your Job
1-26-2024: They're done asking men for a relationship. Now they're forcing it. We explain.
Professor BlackTruth - MoT #540 Crime Report: Dearborn Racist Attacks Black Shoppers With Bat
For several years white supremacists have been targeting Black shoppers because grocery stores are seen as soft targets. Now in Dearborn, MI it's happened again.
Professor BlackTruth - MoT #539 Bootlick Politicians Fight For Everyone... But Us!
Barbara Lee is running for the Senate and running away from anything having to do with Black people. She's advocating for people in gaza and cuba, who are not in the US and can't even vote for her, but totally ignoring her own Black constituents.
Professor BlackTruth - MoT #538 Biden's Black Support Down Double-Digits From 2020
Biden has ignored the Black vote and figured the same scare-mongeing that worked in 2020 would terrify Black voters back to the polls. But instead younger Black voters are saying they'll just stay home.
Professor BlackTruth - MoT #537 Don Lemon's Show On X, Why He Did It
Not many people care that Don Lemon is starting a new "show" on Elon musk's "X." Though some are surprised that he's seemingly turning his back on the left-leaning corporate media. But is that what he's doing, or is it that people never understood what these white media personalities are really about?
The Business - Single Men Have Won - The Numbers
1-22-2023: The world is a single man's paradise. We explain the numbers. |
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