The Hard Black Truth Vlog - My reaction to Stephen A. Smith's "Not selling out, Looking out" podcast
I breakdown Stephen A's podcast "Not selling out, looking out" podcast where he does like so many others have done and tell us how we can't call people out as racists while demanding tangibles and reparations.
Professor BlackTruth - MoT #263 Stephen Smith Lashes Out At New Black Media
Stephen Smith has been dragged across the internet for his reprehensible defense of Jerry Jones. And now he's saying he's going to get these "Black podcasters" told on his own podcast show that nobody listens to!
Professor BlackTruth - MoT #262: Houston's Water Crisis. When Water Becomes A Weapon
Flint. MI, Baltimore, Jackson, MS and now Houston. Whether you want to believe it's sabotage or just a "coincidence," there's no denying that cities with large black enclaves are disproportionately experiencing water contamination crises, yet both political parties do nothing.
The Business - $1 Million is the New "6 Figures"
11-28-2022: It now takes 7 figures to be the old "6 figure" man.. We explain.
Professor BlackTruth - MoT #261 Putting A Stop To Us Being The Whipping Boy
This last week we've seen selective outrage about people being seen with Kanye West but not so much outrage about people being seen with Nick Fuentes, one of the most notorious antisemites alive.
Professor BlackTruth - Jerry Jones Photo Scandal Reveals Old Negroes True Colors
A photo of notorious racist NFL franchise owner Jerry Jones from 1957 reveals he's been an anti-Black racist all his life - no surprise there. Sadly there's also no surprise that there's a few bootlicks and go-along-to-get-along negroes who are making excuses for him.
The Black Authority - Billion Dollar Grooming Media Movement
11-27-2022:They're after your kids and saying exactly what they want. TBA explains.
The Black Authority - How To Handle Targeting Blackness
11-26-2022: We examine the campaign to target Blackness and how to handle it. TBA explains.
Tariq Nasheed - Rally 4 Reparations - Official Film
Tariq Nasheed presents the Rally 4 Reparations.. The historic event that happened on Nov. 5th 2022 in Washington DC.
The Business - Black Friday Truth Serum
11-25-2022: Time to have some male/female truth serum. We explain.
Professor BlackTruth - MoT #260 Crime Report: Dewey Green Convicted Of Murder...Again!
Dewey Green rammed his truck into a Black grandmother, then ran over her TWICE! He was convicted of the murder, but then his racial privilege kicked in.
The Black Authority - No Thanks-Given 2022
11-24-2022: White supremacy doesn't take a holiday and neither do we. TBA explains. |
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