The Business - You're Not "Cougars." You're Just Desperate #LaLaAnthony #MelB #BrittanyRenner
10-31-2022: Older women out of options begin chasing random young men. We explain.
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Professor BlackTruth - MoT #241: Jerry Lee Lewis & His Child Bride, How History Is Buried And Rewritten
Today's Hallowe'en, so I'll tell you about a real-life horror story. Jerry Lee Lewis is falsely being called a "pioneer of rock 'n roll," which is a complete lie, but the reason they call him that is to avoid calling him a man who married his own 13 year-old cousin and then got her pregnant when she was 14.
Tariq Nasheed - The Racial Bullying of Kyrie Irving
I stand with Kyrie...Falsely labeling him anti-semetic is based on the "Im-white-and-I-say-so" rule of systematic white supremacy. And this is part of the culture of anti-Black racism.
Professor BlackTruth - Roly Is Cursing (Again) About Black Voters Staying Home
In yet another attention-stunt Roly is cursing about Black voters who plan to stay home and saying that republicans won't do "sh-t" for Black voters, but never says what democrats will do.
The Black Authority - Illegals Demand $30 an Hour To Do Uber Eats
10-30-2022: Illegals now demanding skilled labor wages for basic work. TBA explains.
Tariq Nasheed - Caller Who Says Blacks Already Received reparations
Join the Rally 4 Reparations on Sat. Nov. 5th 2022 in Washington DC
The Black Authority - How To Fail or Succeed At Chess Moves
10-29-2022: We examine Kanye and Elon on chess moves. TBA explains.
The Business - The Problem With "Fake It Til You Make It"
10-28-2022: Young people think they can fake their way to success. It doesn't work We explain.
Professor BlackTruth - MoT #240 Salvage Yard Owner Accused Of Quadruple Homicide
Earlier this month the bodies of 4 men were found dismembered in an Oklahoma river. The white media hasn't publicized this case very widely. So I'll tell you about it.
Professor BlackTruth - MoT #239 A Brief Tour Of How Slavery Became Modern Anti-Black Racism
Anti-black racism is codified into the nations laws, even the ones that we're told "benefit us." Well we're going to look at a few of them, from the 13th Amendment to the GI Bill and see why these laws haven't done us any good.
Professor BlackTruth - MoT #238 RICO Used For Rap Lyrics, But Not Organized Racists
Rappers have long been targets of unscrupulous prosecutors, but they've intensified this abuse of the law the last few years, meanwhile they've completely ignored real organized crime like the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, etc.
Tariq Nasheed - Getting Advice From People Who Have Nothing to Lose
This is why it's important to not jeopardize your fortune by taking advice and talking points from idiots who have nothing to lose.
Professor BlackTruth - MoT #237 Reparations Forces Bootlicks To Show Who They Are
Black people need to get over the habit of being overly-grateful. The California Reparations Task Force gives us a prime example of why deeds matter a LOT more than words. |
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