I am Not Your Cis, Sis
Written by Perfectly Flawed
Once again the black community has to endure narratives brought to us by the propaganda machine. This time it comes in the form of shaming heterosexuals for not wanting to accept forced definitions that align with transgender rhetoric. Before we begin, let’s get a clear explanation of what the word propaganda means. Using the google description it states, “Information, especially of biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.” So why is this important? Well the term cisgender has crossed-over into some heterosexuals’ conversations… but not willingly.
By now most of us have seen or heard Malik Yoba’s interview with The Breakfast Club. One of the things that stood out was the redefining of womanhood. When Yoba has a truthful slip of the tongue by saying natural born women he was quickly corrected. The responses came off in a very hostile way. But, if we refer to google again it tells us that natural is “Existing in or caused by nature, not made or caused by humankind.” With this basic over standing of words, why aren’t “Cisgender Women” not considered natural? Unless biology is considered junk science it is safe to say that the XX and XY chromosomes are not up for debate. Although, there are cases where an individual can possess both male and female characteristics. However even under these circumstances the intersex person are still born with them. Nevertheless most heterosexuals don’t have a manual that enlightens us on what pronouns to use. Therefore, straight people don’t subscribe to being defined by a community that doesn’t want us to label them. It’s like being constantly quizzed on a test for a class you didn’t sign up for. Furthermore, it is not our job to abide by problematic language that tends to change quite often. As a matter of fact a prefix in front of gender such as cismen is disrespectful. How so you may ask. For starters it is dismissive to people both straight and gay who are secure with their selves internally as well as externally. The notion that we need a term coined from the 90’s to identify with what has already been established is a form of devaluing. What’s interesting is that when you hear the term (cisgender) used in a conversation it seems to only be applied to heterosexual people. Yet the meaning of the word is a person whose personal identity and birth sex corresponds with each other. If that is the case, then wouldn’t that translate into a gay man or woman being cisgender as well? This is more than just words, a form of expression, or living my truth. It can go from allowing others to bring forth legislation based off certain terms to infringing on other people. If it’s really that easy to be a natural woman or man then why go through the surgery in order to become transgendered? At the end of the day no one should be discriminated against, harmed, or made to feel less than. With that being said keep in mind that everybody will not get on board with the trans community’s interpretations. There are women regardless to being straight or gay and then there are trans women. One comes before the other so technically I am not your Cis, Sis.
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