Reels With Rukiya - Intruders (2015)
A review on the movie “Intruders” Also find out which movie or mini series was Rated R (Rukiya’s Pick of the week) and also a bonus suggestion... Thank you for being a Reel One
Reels With Rukiya - “The Girl In The Basement” & “Coming 2 America”
Movie Review on “The Girl In The Basement” & “Coming 2 America” Countering The Conspiracy to Destroy Black Boys (1987) Classic video companion to the million selling book series by Jawanza Kunjufu is still relevant 3 decades later. Presented for historical purposes. Find all of Mr. Kunjufu's books, audio and videos at African American Images For more Classic Black Cinema, follow ReelBlack on YouTube
A woman with "The Gift" finds herself in some serious trouble when dealing with a case this time around.
The original version of the Tephlon Funk anime teaser.
Directed by Hiroki Itai from D’Art Shtajio and music by fat jon A Day in the Death of Donny B. A Day in the Death of Donny B is a 1969 American short docudrama written and directed by Carl Fick and shot in cinéma-vérité style. Mostly considered an anti-drug film, it was made for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. The film follows its protagonist, Donny B, a young black man who appears to be a heroin addict, as he makes his way through the cruel ghettos of New York City. He tries to score money for his next fix by stealing hubcaps, purse-snatching, panhandling, and engaging in street gambling. The short film's soundtrack mostly consists of voice-overs of his parents despairing over his future, former addicts describing the junkie lifestyle, and cops informing the audience of the consequences of illegal drug use and addiction. Through the run time of 14 minutes, a blues-like tune plays over the footage and voice-overs, with vocals that come in and out during the film, narrating Donny B as he does wrong. For more Classic Black Cinema follow ReelBlack on YouTube
Essence TV - Black and White TV (1988) Film historian Charles Woods served as researcher for this ESSENCE TV special that originally aired in 1988. The intros were filmed at NATPBE in Houston and offers a survey of the history of African-Americans in American TV. Feel fee to share your comments. For more Classic Black Cinema follow ReelBlack on YouTube
An old revolutionist is stuck in the past while one of his buddies has moved on into assimilated territories. For more Black Cinema follow Life Scope on YouTube
Four single friends discover their purpose with a little help from each other. For more Black Cinema follow Life Scope on YouTube
When a couple loses their fire in the bedroom, does anything goes?
All Together | 1971 US Navy Recruitment Film Narrated By Lou Rawls Lou Rawls plays Naval recruiter trying to lure the young black who is tired of the limited work opportunities available to him or her. While the Navy did offer more opportunities to minorities than the civilian world, this film exploits the dissatisfaction the many minorities felt regarding racial equality in the workplace. Music is by Port Authority the US Navy's Soul Band. Unearthed by the AV Geeks. For more Classic Black Cinema subscribe to ReelBlack on YouTube
Lifetime Black American Play A group of friends go through the dynamics of life and relationships. For more Black Cinema subscribe to Life Scope
Lifetime Black American Movie An unhappy couple may be on the verge of divorce. If you were dealing with their issues would you fight for your marriage or let it go? For more Black Cinema, follow Life Scope on YouTube
A boring cute couple links up with an argumentative couple to form a couple's club. For more Black Cinema follow Life Scope on YouTube
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