Professor BlackTruth - MoT #431 Kevin Spacey Acquitted And Already Working Again
For this afternoon's MoT we look at the recent acquittal of Kevin Spacey. Not only is he not being dragged regardless, he's already got his next movie scheduled to be released by year's end.
The Business - Simps Tears : Lessons of Beta Male Power Tactics
7-31-2023: A hard lesson is how women treat beta men.
The Black Authority - The Mess With Migrants
7-30-2023: We examine how migrants are used to target Black neighborhoods
Professor BlackTruth - Debunking Desantis Pro-Slavery Curriculum & His "Experts"
Desantis is trying to get votes by lying about slavery, saying it "benefited" those who were enslaved. And now he and his "expert" liars who pushed that racist fraud have been forced to run from their own words. They tried to give a "list" of slaves who benefited from slavery, but as I'll point out it's not true.
The Black Authority - Emmett Till and Symbolic Shills in Black Media
7-29-2023: The old Black media shamelessly shills for Biden. We explain
The Business - 70 And Single - Lessons of Tina Knowles
7-28-2023: What have we learned from Tina Knowles divorce? We explain
Professor BlackTruth - MoT #430 Crime Report: The Sound of FreeDumb, Hollywood VS Reality
The leading perpetrators of crimes against children are cheering a movie that shows them as the "rescuers." But we need to look at what happens in real life and see if that's true.
Professor BlackTruth - MoT #429 Defying Youtube's Latest Attacks -Final Remarks
Youtube's attacks are nothing new. Some think we should run away, but I want to help those people understand why we in the Black media haven't done that and are not going to.
Professor BlackTruth - MoT #428 Biden's "Monument" to Emmett Till Is A PR Stunt For 2024
For decades Biden has said and done nothing about the murder of Emmett Till. He did nothing to bring the final living accomplice in the murder to justice. Now he hopes to score points off Till's murder by claiming to build a "monument" to the child whose memory he ignored.
Professor BlackTruth - MoT #427 The Power Of Saying "No!"
If you want to be popular then just say "yes" to everyone. But if you want to be respected then you better start learning to say "No!"
The Business - Female Double Standards
7-24-2023: We do a deep dive exploration into female double standards
Professor BlackTruth - MoT #426 Wash Post Says Immigrants Should Get Slavery Reparations
In the continuing white media propaganda war against reparations the Washington Post pushing falsehoods about "splits" between reparations advocates, and no surprise they're demanding that slavery reparations ought to include immigrants whose ancestry never went through slavery. |
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February 2025