Cover art credits - @space_before_thought <—show this guy some love, his catalog Of collage pieces are dope. instagram.com/space.before.thoug…shid=1im46tqnmg93z
A Genuine Journey into the world of Slow-fi beats....from the guy who is still being described as one of the most important & charismatic practitioners in the culture. please support this project. it’s my first real time experimenting with a true low-fidelity theme. Keep in mind, I’m still learning on the fly. Support me on IG for remix blends that can only be brought to you by the big homie Light@ aka Kimbo Price
Long story short: I (igory) recorded this whole EP with the Legend Dinco D from the Leaders of the New School in my room-studio, while he was in Russia during his work as U.S. cultural ambassador with The Next Level program. Visit dincod.com
beats by @yeyts (1,2,5) @twentyweeks (3) all recorded mixed and mastered by yours truly (igory)
Smngoo+Cinturón Negro - Beat Session at Plaza de la Dignidad (Santiago,Chile 2020)
Since October 18, 2019, the People of Chile have awakened from a long lethargy of indifference and submission despite having and suffering for many years the abuse of the authorities (whether in the form of corruption, inequity, social systematic violence, classism , sexism, health, education, public transport and a very long etc). Therefore, from that date until today, the people have been fighting from the street, in many parts of Chile (not only Santiago).
The motivation behind this session that they are going to see is precisely to make visible even more the contingent social situation of Chile to other countries, and both Black Belt and Smngoo being part of the situation that the country is going through wanted to contribute with their sound creations demonstrating that there is different forms of struggle / resistance / presence with which to help make a better place for everyone. We thank Mario Z, for the support and help in the recording, as well as Smngoo for accepting the proposal to join to realize this idea. Recorded in Santiago, Chile on February 14, 2020 Puedes escuchar a Smngoo en los siguientes Links: https://soundcloud.com/beatsbysomango https://beatsbysmngoo.bandcamp.com/al... Cinturón Negro links: https://soundcloud.com/barbatruco-pro... https://www.facebook.com/Barbatrucopro/ https://barbatrucoproducciones.wordpr...
Cosmo Arts - Show 44 Lo-Fi VCR Beat Tape
Featuring (In Order Of Appearance) Curtis Metcalf https://soundcloud.com/curtismetcalf2001 throd https://soundcloud.com/??? TOP$ https://soundcloud.com/topsdollarsign GRiMM Doza https://soundcloud.com/mostxhigh skywlkr https://soundcloud.com/xskywlkr dawgz. https://soundcloud.com/xtremedawgz CLWDWLKR https://soundcloud.com/clwdwlkr SPELLWRKS https://soundcloud.com/spellwrks tysuf https://soundcloud.com/maxslax outcroud. https://soundcloud.com/outcrowd erotnas https://soundcloud.com/erotnas krillindavillain https://soundcloud.com/destructodisk tropes https://soundcloud.com/tropes Mndsgn https://soundcloud.com/mndsgn lordapex* https://soundcloud.com/lordapex GXNIUS https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXJDaUG9NIuBwGcor4LHb7A $entric https://soundcloud.com/sentric-871 LIL CLAM https://soundcloud.com/lilclam MNDBD https://soundcloud.com/mndbd VNKNWN https://soundcloud.com/vnknwnv Follow In The Loop Radio's YouTube Page
Summer '18 is out take a listen go cop it do what you do - .theo "波"
Listen to .theo "波" - Summer '18 on BandCamp
First off huge thanks to everyone that checked out ZEROSYSTEM: COSMO ARTS - 100.9 FM WXIR Demo Tape and a special shout out to Lé Real 現実 & マクロスMACROSS 82-99 for the exclusive for that show.
Follow In The Loop Radio on SoundCloud
Lost Broadcast with the intro featuring Curtis Metcalf
Intro: Curtis Medcalf https://soundcloud.com/curtismetcalf2001 ▲ṰṏỞ↑ἧᾯrṰḩ▼ https://soundcloud.com/countbazzy-2 Stanley Ipkuss https://soundcloud.com/stanleyipkuss GRiMM Doza https://soundcloud.com/lordarekkusu Arekkusu https://soundcloud.com/lordarekkusu ntourage https://soundcloud.com/ntourageephekt goonfish https://soundcloud.com/gooniefishbeats Booshido https://soundcloud.com/wolfowall-street tomcbumpz https://soundcloud.com/tomcbumpz Ayva https://soundcloud.com/ashleyayvaliklis Slomile Swift https://soundcloud.com/slomile-swift FREDAKAFD https://soundcloud.com/fredakafd BIGBABYGUCCI https://soundcloud.com/malehoe cantintonames https://soundcloud.com/wakemeupnow lordapex* https://soundcloud.com/lordapex
Black Super Hero Musik - Vol. 1: Issue #1
reviewed by ZEROSYSTEM
A few days ago, a good friend of mine and Producer Curtis Metcalf made a post on Facebook asking for people to post links to their latest BandCamp projects and I figured I'd keep a look out for some stand out tapes to feature on the blog but I wasn't expecting this.
Enter: Black Super Hero Musik, a joint project between Jamal STEELE & EFAYEME. I can think of only a few times in my life that I lost composure listening to an album and this is one of them. Back in the 90's I was a comic and hip-hop head so to be able to hear golden era style production with top notch lyricism from emcees keenly aware of the subject material made me take note. So much so that I listened to this 3 track EP for the rest of the day wondering how were they able to capture the characters so well in sonic form. Issue #1 starts with T'Challa, a lounge style track with Jamal STEELE & EFAYEME tag teaming it like Camp Lo in their prime. Next up is the silky smooth Ororo Munroe which production wise has some of the sickest drums I've heard this year. Carl Lucas ends the EP exactly the way Power Man would do it, a right hook to the jaw. I could go into a little more depth but I'd rather you experience them for yourself. Press play and experience what it's like to go from Wakanda to New York in 11 minutes.
Propaganda & Mathematics
The analog cassette tapes with 3D sound. Double Cassette Release from Shelled Tapes and In The Loop Radio. 747 Cobalt High-Bias Type II tape. Handmade Cassettes available for purchase on BandCamp
GodsConnect video for - NegroSaki - Freestyle To This (C) off of the Side Project: TheRandomJams album.
THE Black Section Blog
ZEROSYSTEM decided to do a blog to promote the illest in deep Underground Hip-Hop & Black Commentary.Archives
February 2025