America deserves credit for ending slavery? In this video I discuss the stupidity of Fox news and the idea that the UNITED STATES ended slavery first. I also discuss Donna Brazile's transition to Fox and what her purpose will be.
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Making Black Men The Face Of The College Admissions Scandal
As with MeToo and TimesUp when too many white men are being exposed for criminality the white media automatically goes looking to manufacture a black "face" for what is predominantly white crime. - Professor BlackTruth
Jess Hilarious plays the WS game and takes it all back
The Long Over Due Assimilation into #ADOS
As the pre-2020 political scene heats up, the issues that have been plaguing this country forever are brought to the forefront once again. Whether it is reparations or an abusive use of power towards a specific demographic, these dire matters seem to always go unresolved. A very hot topic that has entered the mainstream news arena is American Descendants of Slaves. About a week ago on MSNBC correspondent Joy Reid used her platform to discuss how to discover fake social network accounts. Evidently, if a (black) person uses DOS or ADOS on their media profiles then they are bots.
This discussion shines a spot light on conversations that have been going on for years. So to belittle a group of people by suggesting that they are not real is very insulting. Besides that, the dismissal treatment comes as no surprise since it is one of the problems that the black community faces on a regular basis. Along with the neglecting element are waves of criticism from others weighing in whenever the phrase comes up. The founders of the term Yvette Brown and Antonio Moore have made it clear that “Native Black People” are a classification unto themselves. In short, our roots run very deep and are in fact the fabric that holds the country together. Apparently mainstream media feels ADOS can’t think for themselves without Russia interfering and causing a divide. Reckless talking points stating that we are all immigrants or African Americans are void of culture are disrespectful. Even some of our brothers and sisters under the African umbrella have spoken out against ADOS. By saying things along the lines of “ADOS undermines Pan-Africanism” or “This is a form of tribalism” will inevitably bring up a few questions. For instance, if an individual moves from Jamaica to America do they stop representing their culture? How about when naturalized African citizens use their birth nationality as a proper name description? In other words, is it okay for some people to call their selves Dominican or Cuban American? If your answer is of course we don’t expect anyone to give up their culture, then why is it a problem when ADOS choose to stand on their nationality? It’s almost as if certain individuals don’t want to see American Africans receive anything but didn’t complain about Jewish people. Below is an article touching on the fact that Barack Obama gave a presidential helping hand to Holocaust survivors. Unfortunately, the former President’s reparations assistance fell short to non-existent when it comes to black people. To stress the point, when a country repeatedly allows its citizens’ constitutional rights to be violated how can we not see that it is by design? Let’s not forget that chattel slavery paid in “blood” by ADOS paved the way for a lot of people to be here in America. So is it really fair to say that American blacks are denouncing their African-ness for a check? The amount that is owed can never be paid based on the lives that were stolen. Generations of Africans decimated off egregious acts that leaves us scrambling today. This by no means negates the experiences of other Africans that were scattered throughout the diaspora. Nevertheless, ADOS built the wealth of this country only to have taxation without representation. Whether you call it resources or reparations, bottom line it should be given to the American Descendants of Slaves because it is owed. Furthermore, in order to be a good ally with each other there must be mutual benefits that will more than likely require some funding. So instead of advising African Americans on what not to do, maybe neighboring victims of slavery should seek reparations from their own countries. |
THE Black Section Blog
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