The Come Up Series - Breakdown With Dan Ives
Tonight let's talk research. When it comes to analyst research and providing strong thesis data look no further than Dan Ives of Wedbush Securities. He is known for his price targets and research analysis on many companies. Let's have a Breakdown.
Professor BlackTruth - MoT #22 Dave Chappelle Beats His Haters - Again!
Dave Chappelle uses the "outrage" at his old high school to teach his haters that math trumps letters.
Professor BlackTruth - MoT #21 Wishing White Supremacy Away
If you deny that Mike Tyson is the best boxer in the world does that mean he'll no longer be able to knock you unconscious? Denial is what people do when they're powerless. But denial won't change your situation, only action will. Unless you plan to lay down and die you better accept reality so you can change it!
The Black Authority - 11-28-2021: Biden Literally Buying Off The Old Media
Biden's Build Back Better plan includes billions in payoffs to the old media. TBA explains.
Professor BlackTruth - When Silence Says Something - Why We Don't Talk About Some People
A lot of black folks go ga-ga whenever a black athlete, celebrity or "activist" is trending. So why is it we never mention them? Why is it that we rarely say anything for any particular victim of racist cops?
The Black Authority - 11-27-2021: Wrong Way Negroes
We take an in depth look at the psychology of wrong way thinking people. Join Us.
The Business - 11-26-2021: Why You're Alone For The Holidays
2021 is going to be the loneliest year on record and will only get worse. We explain.
Professor BlackTruth - MoT #20 How WS Monetizes Our Oppression & "Resistance"
White supremacy made a business out of oppressing us. But it's also made a business out of setting up phony "resistance" groups and then getting us to fund them.
The Black Authority - 11-25-2021: No Thanks Given 2021
While the fake will be trying to explain away the turkey drumsticks in their mouths the real will be here. Join Us.
Professor BlackTruth - MoT #19 Practicing Black Empowerment Everyday
Groups who want power make its pursuit into a full-time pre-occupation. We've already shown we can do it. We must now show we can do it everyday!
Professor BlackTruth - Mot #18 After Rittenhouse Verdict Protesters Are Now Armed!
The Rittenhouse verdict has prompted protesters to get armed to prevent the next mass shooting and it's working! Also the Unite the Right nazi's have been sccessfully sued for $25 million dollars.
Professor BlackTruth - 7 LIES Rittenhouse & His Supporters Told
Kyle Rittenhouse was telling lies long before he carried out his mass shooting in Kenosha. Here's a rundown of just a few of them. The videos are available online and as for the web articles I show the source before I show the excerpt.
Professor BlackTruth - MoT #16 As Kamala's Approval Craters Roly Offers His "Advice"
Kamala's is on the outs, her approval ratings are cratering. Roland says her communications staff is failing and she needs to talk to him. But it seems more like he's auditioning for a white house job!
Professor BlackTruth - Whitewashing Lawlessness, Putting The Racists On The Run
The Rittenhouse verdict was no surprise. The white supremacists are pulling out all the stops in their desperate attempt to stop the march of justice. well the good guys have an answer for that too!
The Black Authority - 11-21-2021: The 21st Century Mammy Test
The white feminist movement is still looking for willing lackeys to carry their water. TBA explains. |
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