Tariq Nasheed Live:
#Charlottesville Rally #BlackLivesMatter Film & Crispy at Breakfast Club
White supremacists in Charlottesville leave death and chaos. . .and they're just getting started. TBA gives an in depth report.
See our documentary Gentrified: Ethnic Cleansing- American Style: http://www.gentrifiedmovie.com/orders See our documentary 7AM: http://www.7ammovie.com The Mutated Counter Protest and DeAndre Harris A.K.A Lone Wolf
Minister Ju and Noble Anpu - The Energy of The Solar Eclipse Has Arrived
Carl Jones Talks Legends, Why Boondocks Ended & Al Sharpton
What we saw play out in Charlottesville, Virginia 08/13/2017, was white supremacy and white privilege..... Oh yea, and Coonery.
Virginia Charlottesville Protest and Rally Goes Off the Rails
Oregon wants to legalize hard drugs white people use but not drugs Blacks use. TBA Explains. Plus Blacks in Detroit prepare to re-elect the white mayor. We explain the failure of the Civil Rights Generation in the Motor city.
See our documentary Gentrified: Ethnic Cleansing- American Style: http://www.gentrifiedmovie.com/orders See our documentary 7AM: http://www.7ammovie.com Part One Part Two Part Three Stop Begging White Hollywood to Let You In
Subscribe to Professor BlackTruth's YouTube page: B1Brigade It's now LEGAL for a business to fire you for being Black. Coming to a state near you. TBA explains.
Link to the Missouri law: http://www.senate.mo.gov/17info/pdf-b... See our documentary Gentrified: Ethnic Cleansing- American Style: http://www.gentrifiedmovie.com/orders See our documentary 7AM: http://www.7ammovie.com WARNING: THIS VIDEO CONTAINS SPOILERS: DO NOT WATCH THIS VIDEO IF YOU INTEND TO SEE THE FILM AS MAJOR PLOT POINTS ARE DISCUSSED.
Reelblack podcast hosts MIKE D. and CHARLES WOODS are joined by motivational speaker and author MITCHELL CHANCE for an in-depth breakdown of Kathryn Bigelow's film DETROIT, which is already garnering uniform praise and Oscar Buzz. But is it profiting off of pain? While it re-creates true events, it id a work of fiction. What plot devices and changes are used to make the film more palatable to the white gaze? We break it down, comparing the film to John Hershey's 1968 book, The Algiers Hotel Incident. Red and Blue Pill speak on Lord Jamar, The BookPhone Challenge, and Making Being Smart Cool Again
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