Tariq Nasheed - The Attempted Hostile Takeover of Hip Hop
If every single element of hip hop culture was created by Foundational Black Americans & 1 or 2 Latinos just happened to wander off into a hip hop party in the 70's, how does that equate to Blacks & Latinos being "half & half" in the creation of hip hop?
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The Black Authority - The Black Anti-Black Politician
8-28-2022: We look at Eric Adams and Fani Willis and the rise of the Black/Anti-Black politician. TBA explains.
The Black Authority -The New Driver's Workshop
8-27-2022: We present our second truck driver's workshop. TBA explains.
The Business - Can Men Afford Today's Women?
8-26-2022: We ask women from major cities if men can afford them anymore.
Professor BlackTruth - The "Woke Mob" Stops DeSantis -Yet ANOTHER Defeat!
Ron DeSantis has spent 2 years trying to get attention by fighting "wokeness." But all his extremist "laws" keep getting struck down, including his "Stop Woke" Act. He keeps losing, yet the white media acts as if he has nothing but wins. Why I'll explain.
Tariq Nasheed - Combating Misandrists
Non-FBA tether “therapist” made a video insulting her Black male clients. When the backlash got hot, she then made an insincere “apology” video where she was STILL condescending towards Black men. Now she has been FIRED, and she is doubling down on her Black male hatred
Professor BlackTruth - The Black Media's Greatest Strength Is You!
When we say, "We are the Black Media," that's not just talking about the people behind the mic. It means you. Tonight's Sunday Address is meant to honor and thank the family for the hard work that YOU have put in. Without you no one would know or care that Prof Truth exists and there wouldn't be a Black Media. Note: Be advised I'll be taking a few weeks off from posting, so please follow my Twitter to stay up-to-date with me.
The Black Authority - Illegals Are Being Bused Nationwide
8-21-2022: Illegals are receiving free transportation to every state. TBA explains.
The Black Authority - Civil Rights Leapfrog of Black People
8-20-2022: The latest case of govt using Black people to push protections for everyone else. TBA explains.
The Business - Why Men Need To Be In Control
8-19-2022: We explain why men need to be in control in life. We explain.
Professor BlackTruth - MoT #210 Crime Report: Hate Crimes The Media Is Ignoring
DA's are constantly tell Black people they don't charge people with hate crimes "because it's so hard to prove in court." Yet for the last 2 years these same DA's have suddenly been VERY eager to charge people with hate crimes... but ONLY Black people.
The Business - What Is Black Men's Value?
8-18-2022: What kind of value have Black men earned? We explain.
Professor BlackTruth - MoT #209 Who's Really Suppressing the Black Vote?
Republicans are suppressing Black voters and Democrats are suppressing Black candidates. So remind me again who Black people are supposed to be supporting?
Professor BlackTruth - MoT #208 Examining Bobby Rush's Reign of Error
For nearly 30 years Bobby Rush, former Black Panther and current government tool, has been in Congress. He announced months back that he won't be running for re-election. We'll look at him as case study in how the misleaderhship class have failed Black people at best and betrayed us at worst. |
THE Black Section Blog
ZEROSYSTEM decided to do a blog to promote the illest in deep Underground Hip-Hop & Black Commentary.Archives
February 2025