The controversial and much needed documentary Buck Breaking by Tariq Nasheed, didn't disappoint. After its anticipated release, the film became Amazon's best seller instantly. Reaching the number one spot, it's safe to say people gravitated to the information.
Not only did the historical narratives shed light on racial discrimination, it also focused on sexual trauma. Within the context of slavery, it's well known that there was all types of abuse. However, speaking on the "unadmitted" truth of homosexual oppressors has introduced another perspective to breaking slaves. We often think of rape occurring between a male and a female. But how does that dynamic play out when boys or men are forced into becoming sexual victims. The film mentions European culture of rape and pedophilia that has infected African people. That mindset of any hole will do, has caused generational anguish which in-turn plays out to this very day. Systemically speaking, in order to maintain power over the negroes, every action of abuse was reinforced by degenerate sexual practices. In addition, this type of sadistic influence created an agenda to attack the Black family.
From all factions of life the documentary goes into how white supremacy engages in and uses homosexuality as a weapon. So for the white gay community to ever equate their struggle with Black people's is highly offensive. In our opinion this film is worth the purchase.
It also brings into question why is sexuality being promoted heavily to children? With the longstanding concerted effort to depopulate the Black community, one can only think this is by design. Furthermore, this is one of the reasons why the film Buck Breaking exist.
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I am Not Your Cis, Sis
Written by Perfectly Flawed
Once again the black community has to endure narratives brought to us by the propaganda machine. This time it comes in the form of shaming heterosexuals for not wanting to accept forced definitions that align with transgender rhetoric. Before we begin, let’s get a clear explanation of what the word propaganda means. Using the google description it states, “Information, especially of biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.” So why is this important? Well the term cisgender has crossed-over into some heterosexuals’ conversations… but not willingly.
By now most of us have seen or heard Malik Yoba’s interview with The Breakfast Club. One of the things that stood out was the redefining of womanhood. When Yoba has a truthful slip of the tongue by saying natural born women he was quickly corrected. The responses came off in a very hostile way. But, if we refer to google again it tells us that natural is “Existing in or caused by nature, not made or caused by humankind.” With this basic over standing of words, why aren’t “Cisgender Women” not considered natural? Unless biology is considered junk science it is safe to say that the XX and XY chromosomes are not up for debate. Although, there are cases where an individual can possess both male and female characteristics. However even under these circumstances the intersex person are still born with them. Nevertheless most heterosexuals don’t have a manual that enlightens us on what pronouns to use. Therefore, straight people don’t subscribe to being defined by a community that doesn’t want us to label them. It’s like being constantly quizzed on a test for a class you didn’t sign up for. Furthermore, it is not our job to abide by problematic language that tends to change quite often. As a matter of fact a prefix in front of gender such as cismen is disrespectful. How so you may ask. For starters it is dismissive to people both straight and gay who are secure with their selves internally as well as externally. The notion that we need a term coined from the 90’s to identify with what has already been established is a form of devaluing. What’s interesting is that when you hear the term (cisgender) used in a conversation it seems to only be applied to heterosexual people. Yet the meaning of the word is a person whose personal identity and birth sex corresponds with each other. If that is the case, then wouldn’t that translate into a gay man or woman being cisgender as well? This is more than just words, a form of expression, or living my truth. It can go from allowing others to bring forth legislation based off certain terms to infringing on other people. If it’s really that easy to be a natural woman or man then why go through the surgery in order to become transgendered? At the end of the day no one should be discriminated against, harmed, or made to feel less than. With that being said keep in mind that everybody will not get on board with the trans community’s interpretations. There are women regardless to being straight or gay and then there are trans women. One comes before the other so technically I am not your Cis, Sis.
The Long Over Due Assimilation into #ADOS
As the pre-2020 political scene heats up, the issues that have been plaguing this country forever are brought to the forefront once again. Whether it is reparations or an abusive use of power towards a specific demographic, these dire matters seem to always go unresolved. A very hot topic that has entered the mainstream news arena is American Descendants of Slaves. About a week ago on MSNBC correspondent Joy Reid used her platform to discuss how to discover fake social network accounts. Evidently, if a (black) person uses DOS or ADOS on their media profiles then they are bots.
This discussion shines a spot light on conversations that have been going on for years. So to belittle a group of people by suggesting that they are not real is very insulting. Besides that, the dismissal treatment comes as no surprise since it is one of the problems that the black community faces on a regular basis. Along with the neglecting element are waves of criticism from others weighing in whenever the phrase comes up. The founders of the term Yvette Brown and Antonio Moore have made it clear that “Native Black People” are a classification unto themselves. In short, our roots run very deep and are in fact the fabric that holds the country together. Apparently mainstream media feels ADOS can’t think for themselves without Russia interfering and causing a divide. Reckless talking points stating that we are all immigrants or African Americans are void of culture are disrespectful. Even some of our brothers and sisters under the African umbrella have spoken out against ADOS. By saying things along the lines of “ADOS undermines Pan-Africanism” or “This is a form of tribalism” will inevitably bring up a few questions. For instance, if an individual moves from Jamaica to America do they stop representing their culture? How about when naturalized African citizens use their birth nationality as a proper name description? In other words, is it okay for some people to call their selves Dominican or Cuban American? If your answer is of course we don’t expect anyone to give up their culture, then why is it a problem when ADOS choose to stand on their nationality? It’s almost as if certain individuals don’t want to see American Africans receive anything but didn’t complain about Jewish people. Below is an article touching on the fact that Barack Obama gave a presidential helping hand to Holocaust survivors. Unfortunately, the former President’s reparations assistance fell short to non-existent when it comes to black people. To stress the point, when a country repeatedly allows its citizens’ constitutional rights to be violated how can we not see that it is by design? Let’s not forget that chattel slavery paid in “blood” by ADOS paved the way for a lot of people to be here in America. So is it really fair to say that American blacks are denouncing their African-ness for a check? The amount that is owed can never be paid based on the lives that were stolen. Generations of Africans decimated off egregious acts that leaves us scrambling today. This by no means negates the experiences of other Africans that were scattered throughout the diaspora. Nevertheless, ADOS built the wealth of this country only to have taxation without representation. Whether you call it resources or reparations, bottom line it should be given to the American Descendants of Slaves because it is owed. Furthermore, in order to be a good ally with each other there must be mutual benefits that will more than likely require some funding. So instead of advising African Americans on what not to do, maybe neighboring victims of slavery should seek reparations from their own countries.
Giving my opinion on the ADOS movement.
Be sure to check out my latest article on In The Loop Radio Follow Perfectly Flawed On Twitter
The Diversion in Black Toxic Masculinity
With the first month of 2019 behind us it has become apparent that some traces of 2018 can’t seem to stay away. One example is the notion that “Toxic Masculinity” permanently resides in the black man community. If we take information off social media at face value, one would think that all of our dark skin brethren are aggressive culprits. Narratives such as straight black men are silent on homosexuals being assaulted have found their way into the “so called” Black Magazines’ lexicon. In the resurrected digital publication called Vibe an opinion editorial said that straight men’s inability to speak up in regards to (Empire actor) Jussie Smollett’s recent attack is dangerous.
Besides this statement being negatively targeted towards our brothers, it further displays this consistent effort to blame heterosexual men. As the details continue to unfold on the horrendous anti-gay and racially motivated incident, we hope justice will be served to the actual criminals. The need to finger point is so strong that a reader may have to do a double take on quotes like this. White supremacy is one thing, but the toxic masculinity and internalized homophobia that plagues black and brown communities is another. Let’s be candid for just a moment, the term that takes on multiple meanings has become trendy lately. As a community you would think that we would know toxicity has no color or gender. However, among the many definitions of the phrase there are more often than not key factors geared towards the dominant society. For instance stereotypical expressions of physical violence equate to manliness, which wields power. Besides that, certain forums generalize black men into the conversation on the principles of manhood. But neglect or fail to mention the fact white supremacy is condoned by toxic masculinity. Even under the word “Hegemony Masculinity” which is a precursor to the popular label (toxic masculinity) speaks to this point. Australian transgender sociologist Raewyn Connell essentially talks about white men fitting this cultural profile. So what does all of this have to do with black heterosexual men not speaking up for Mr. Smollett? Well, this scenario is the catalyst for a larger issue at hand. By casually tossing out terms that are not warranted at black men for simply choosing not to speak out in large numbers is a shaming tactic. This isn’t to absolve other men from falling into the toxic category, but suggests that there is some type of forced divide between African Americans. Question, what is the ethnicity of Mr. Smollett’s attackers? Unless information has come out contrary to what was presented then how are our brothers to blame?
Cancelled: How No One Could Tell The Real Root Articles
From the Viral Hashtags
Once again Twitter erupts in a hilarious wave of words via the hashtag “The Root Articles.” For about a week, users have expressed their creative disdain for the white owned magazine in black face. If you haven’t noticed, this publication has been spewing anti-black heterosexual man garbage for quite some time. Articles that include toxic black masculinity and privileges afforded to straight black men are topics that come with a side eye from the people. This type of dangerous rhetoric can be destructive. How so, you may ask? Well to explain it in another way, let’s take a look at a written piece by psychologist Satoshi Kanazawa published in 2011.
In the article it touches on the science of why black women are less attractive than other races. According to this credentialed professional Africans in general have more testosterone. So therefore this may explain the reason why melinated ladies lack beauty.
Exhibit A
This quote from the author’s work sums it up. “So women of all races are on average more physically attractive than the "average" Add Health respondent, except for black women.” Now that we have a pretty good idea of the ridiculousness that floats among us, let’s continue. Disparaging content such as black women tend to be fat, have attitudes, or look better light skin play on the psyche of girls and women.
Since there are black writers at The Root you would think that they would be more responsible with their articles. Keep in mind that there is an exception to every rule, which is usually dependent upon the person enforcing it. However, constantly putting down your own people (Black Straight Men) in particular has made them no better than other races talking about us all. The notion that black men are our biggest rapist or that black women are ugly was spoken into existence under the system of white supremacy and then written in. It is because of this deliberate mental game we have people today trying to opt out of our group.
This has led to a need to praise white zaddy along with even make excuses for child rape in the form of an erotic tale. Ok, some may say or think that this is a bit of a reach to encompass this contrived magazine with the elements of black heterosexual man assault. But the bigger picture is where did the myth of toxic black masculinity come from? Maybe a better question would be why does toxicity even have a color attached to it? Instead of getting down to “The Root” cause of this divide, (pun intended) we find people more than willing to reinforce stereotypes.
Whether it is television, books, or some other form of literature, we can’t escape the fact that African Americans as a whole have been under attack. Although this act of putting the magazine on blast may be seen as a nothing mission to a few, think of this. Just like black people have the ability to make something popular we can do the same in reverse. Which means by campaigning against the content providers you essentially are hitting the white owners where it hurts. Can somebody say a possible loss of sponsors, readers, and a diminished sense of credibility. Sun Tzu said it best, “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” Even though this is a fight, often, the psychological remnants can cause far more damage than the physical. So sometimes pushing a narrative as oppose to a gun can have a lasting impact.
People Of Color, Is Brown The New White?
by Perfectly Flawed
About three years ago in 2015 April Reign, editor of Broadway Black set twitter on fire with her viral comment #Oscars so white. Even though Reign spoke up on several occasions about the lack of diversity regarding people of color, who else during that time was pushing the same narrative? Alright to be fair, the Asian community did speak their peace when The Great Wall came out. Besides that it is a little hard to say since we are in the age of the internet where one week seems like three years ago. However, the creator of what can be called a timeless phrase for 90 years now has been interviewed multiple times discussing this topic.
Fast forward to the year 2016 where Jada Pinkett Smith boycotted the Oscars for over-looking her husband which reignited the saying once again. Truth be told, the history of this so-called elitist forum for movies, shows, and entertainment has a bit of whites run this attached to it. So this constant need for validation from the people that don’t play fair is frightening. All conjecture aside, others may say Hollywood is about rewarding people for their hard work. Nevertheless, Jada had every right to stick up for her man, that’s love.
All of a sudden they want to “Reclaim their Brownness.”
But let’s talk about the distant present where the Latino or Hispanic community protested a day before the Oscars. During the years there hasn’t been a public out pouring demanding the movie industry represent them more, so why now? Well, the guess is when Black Panther hit theaters last month serving us beautiful blackness, apparently the **ish hit the fan. Not only did the melanin family show out but other groups were real stank face about it. Regardless of the fact that Killmonger was indeed the real hero or the direct messages of I am not my brother’s keeper, the movie was still entertaining.
In a recent YouTube video a comment was made that Latinos are 18% of the population. If that claim is legit, then why does it seem like our little old so called 13% for 5 decades has others so pressed? Then again maybe this is all a ruse and the Latino community just wants their dues. If that is so why not protest last year when John Leguizamo was writing about the need for Latino Superheroes? As stated by the 2010 census on page 5 “The Hispanic population predominantly identified as either White or Some Other Race.” So why the blank are you all mad? I mean if Hispanics predominately classify their selves as Caucasians then logically you have been overly represented, right? These fence straddles only appear to come out when Massa is handing out bones with a little meat on them. Oh heaven forbid that the Africans get their portion first. This is a reminder of what they did in the 60’s when Black people were dying and fighting for the laws to be changed. The Latin community conveniently stayed home until the benefits started rolling out. All of a sudden they want to “Reclaim their Brownness.” So are they brown or white? Whatever the people of color choose to claim they need to add confusion to that list as well. Stop riding off of the coat tails of black people and beat us to the movement sometime. If this wasn’t the case then explain why The Root is owned by Univision Communications? Somebody has to say it; African Americans have been carrying them throughout history and are still doing it today. Swirl On This by Perfectly Flawed In the 90’s former heart throb Taye Diggs ruled the big screen with his chocolatey good looks and great acting skills. However, recently the actor made some very interesting comments on a podcast about race and dating. Although he was aware of the racial protocols in Hollywood, he still felt like it didn’t necessarily apply to him. Now to some extent that is the right attitude. But for him was it ambitious to be the best regardless of race or is it just another case of assimilation by any means? The interview went from Diggs explaining his professional moves to black women being salty over the man’s love life.
According to him we are in a stage of “New Blackness.” Doors for new writers and stars that look like us can finally bless the mainstream screen more than one at a time. This may sound wonderful to actors with the mindset of Taye Diggs that appear to use their blackness when it’s convenient. Nobody is saying to turn down a million dollar deal in a film because it doesn’t have a melanin rich cast. The point is, be the best at your job but don’t allow systemic programming to flood the brain. In fact, play the game if you have to just keep in mind your replacement is not too far behind. When you spend so much time chasing what is considered “White Famous” it may cause a person to lose their self. Is it wrong to love your people through blood and spit to the point where some times that is all you desire to see? A few people may hate on men such as Jason Black or Tariq Nasheed but at the end of the day what is your contribution? Do you weep for your people when they suffer? Are you only claiming blackness when it is trendy? So since we know through his own admission that Taye Diggs doesn’t really f*** with black women like that, did we expect too much? Technically, he didn’t use those exact words. But in context if one of the reasons you are dating women that look you is to not seem racist then…yeah, revaluation may be in order. In the podcast the actor mentions surprisingly that he is dating a black woman. Now the shock is not in the actual dating of a melanin lady, but the intentions behind it. Let’s face it we are the most genetically diverse group of women. We come in different shades, eye colors, and hair textures. Question, if the “Black Woman” is the mother of Civilization then doesn’t that mean she possess all genetic traits? Biologically speaking anything lighter such as different hair color or skin is due to a lack of melanin. So this idea that we can’t be dark skin with blue eyes without European intervention is ludacris. Anyway, back to the performer that made it very clear not messing with white women goes against who he is as a person. In his mind it is a form of restricting which hinders our growth as a people. As if conforming to the pressures or trauma of black society made him not like his own. News flash Taye Diggs don’t put your self-hating hang-ups on black women. If you want to date different types of chicks then do so and stand on it. But think of this, why is his preferred choice White women over Asian or even Mexican? Hmm, can we just admit that this man feels forced to date within his race, which is sad. The Disingenuous Negro by Perfectly Flawed Since our grave inception into this unnatural society in 1619 Black Americans have been on this non-stop disastrous plight. The constant torment of being robbed from not only our “Birth Right” but merely existing has left a dilapidated stain within the DNA. Subconscious feelings of fear, individualism, and lack of self-preservation looms in the people’s minds which takes form in our actions. Being more specific, let’s talk about Boyce Watkins. Recently, another clip has surfaced on YouTube showing this former Syracuse Professor going off on melanated people. Through his rant of telling what could have been the core part of his audience to piss off, a few factors come into play. One, Dr. Watkins has a wealth of education in the realm of finance, economics and business management.
Although this is true why in the hell does he have a good number of videos on Your Black World that consist of him engaging in trendy gossip? Before anyone flies off the handle look at it from this perspective. A self announcing “I have a Phd” person provides information on celebrities that in most cases aren’t helping the community as a whole. Now regardless if you agree with someone or not everybody has the right to express their opinions and views. However, when you build a platform dedicated to the purpose of black wealth at some point folks are going to need proof. Meaning, don’t parade yourself around as a person that builds on the back of Black Empowerment only to be called in so many words a hype man for Charles Wu. How about we treat this like a game of Jeopardy. Dr. Boyce, name 6 Black owned companies that you have helped or work with that gross a million dollars a year? Mr. Watkins name the actual price of those high end flash cards? Second, after questioning our good friend (side eye) it has become apparent that this man is hustling hope. According to a website called Rate My Professor, students have some of the same gripes in 2008 about Boyce that have been exposed today. On the positive side of things there is nothing wrong with being motivated or inspired into fulfillment. Even if somebody is selling you a dream we still have to be willing to buy, right? The Professor appears to not have enough sense to know that respect goes a long way. In some instances enemies and allies can work together but there is usually a clear line drawn when it comes to “Respect.” Bottom line if you can’t bother to get that so called marketing talk in check then is it all about the bag? Honestly, it doesn’t matter whether or not your business partner likes you. Hey it helps to get along but at the end of the day if the goal is to make money then it is not necessary. But if a colleague can’t see the value in being or giving respect then what’s to stop them from selling you sugar sweet poison? Most people with a business acumen are very aware that you might at some point work with other races/ethnicities. The difference is don’t claim to be the head negro in charge whose hiring and firing only to deflect when someone calls you boy. Watkins is right on the fact that others market to the melanin rich community with movies like Black Panther and we eat it up. But at the same time the creators of such entertainment or products didn’t swore their allegiance to the cause. So for Boyce to keep failing at addressing people who don’t rock with him is insane. It really shows that this Egg Head is cracking and the people who he claims he don’t give a fu** about are cooking him on a hot skillet. Muhammad Ali said it best, “Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.” In other words, Dr. Boyce are you happy with your lease or is the price too high? The Difference In Choice by Perfectly Flawed In a society where if it ain’t right unless it’s very light to damn near white, comes everybody’s favorite topic, “Colorism.” On the heels of Kodak Black’s self-hating comments, two terms are at the forefront, preference and discrimination. These words have been used interchangeably to describe a choice. For instance, if a black person said they only date outside of their race then they are choosing to discriminate. Now regardless if you agree or disagree with a person’s decision to date inter-racially is not the issue. In fact, love who you want and live in that world called, I don’t see color.
However, if or when you are called into question for anything pertaining to your darker hue do not ask, “Where my people at?” It may sound heartless but if an individual is discriminating against their same skin color then they have chosen the other team. Whether or not the other side has allowed sell outs and coons to become honorary members is another subject. If it wasn’t so sad, the thought of not being attracted to what should have been a child’s first representation of beauty; it might be laughable. After all, who doesn’t date, marry, or have a relationship with a person that is apart of their race? Apparently black people do at the end of the day and that is definitely by design. Besides the greater intent to keep us from being in love with our selves, the preference factor needs to be addressed. To be specific it just means that you favor one complexion over the other but you date all shades of the melanoid rainbow. So is it wrong for someone to say I prefer dark skin or light skin? Actually it is not, but if that person is bashing one color over the other then it bleeds into prejudice. Instead of all of this hoopla over who is the fairest, let’s remember that if it wasn’t for dark skin there would be no light. With everything else that has encapsulated our mindset from a racial perspective we have been turned upside down. Being light is considered beautiful, soft, innocent, and pure. While on the other end of the spectrum darkness is tough, scary, and ugly. Black people, there isn’t just a veil over our eyes; we are suffering from white supremacist cataracts. Therefore, dark skin should be celebrated for its melanin richness not persecuted. The Trouble With I by Perfectly Flawed Since the forceful arrival of the first African Americans in Jamestown back in 1619 the narrative of inferiority has been consistently preached. Everything from lying about historical events, to shaming natural beauty, and projecting negative ideologies has been perpetrated to maintain the system. Let’s not forget the main ingredient in the quest to break the mentality of a group of people which is physical violence. Sadly, since the bad guys have performed these great deceptions for about 500 years and still counting, we have become permanent victims. So what does this actually mean? Well, to put it mildly the enemy can “F*c*” with you at any time.
Of course, you know this already but it has gone beyond physical abuse, in fact it is more mental. Malcolm X once said, “If you are not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.” With that being said unfortunately black people have done a piss poor job at reiterating self-love. We have allowed ourselves to be corrupted by standards set by people who don’t look like us. This sickness for wanting to assimilate is to our detriment. Think of it this way if other individuals are emulating your sound or style of dress then they are trying to keep up. Speaking truth to power, there is no need to bend a bar downward in order to fit in, especially when you created it. From Chuck Berry being the pioneer of rock and roll, to Dr. Henry T. Sampson inventing the cell phone, our genius is copied and used but not appreciated. Racism and white supremacy’s job is to take everything from its victims while at the same time forcing them to apologize. The hypocrisy just like the struggle is real. It has gotten to the point where every few days a suspected white supremacist makes a statement online that resembles something said in the 1800s. At this point the question has to be raised, “What are we going to do about it?” The most revolutionary act that you can do besides loving your self is to love your people. Granted, everybody can’t be saved nor is it your duty to waste time on those who hate what they see in the mirror. We stand on the shoulders of the “Great Ones” that went against the norm, risked death, and collectively believed in the motto Us not I. Photo courtesy of Koko Nanga Are You PRO-Black? by Perfectly Flawed For many years now the word “Pro-Black” has been expressed as a negative connotation. Even to this day when people speak the term in a labeling manner some black individuals are quick to distance their selves from the word. Is it because the name carries a stereotypical physical identity, such as natural hair or dashikis? Regardless to the narratives that have been in most cases forced upon us, the title itself is far from bad. Look at this way if you are born black then by default you fit into this term. Meaning, everybody that is in the darker shade (African) family supports their race first. This also includes our lighter brothers and sisters as well. Breaking it down further, people that are of Irish, Polish, or Norwegian decent are usually classified as white in the United States. So is it safe to say that they are “Pro-White?”
According to the prefix pro means in favor of an idea or party to say the least. Getting more technical, it also coordinates with the word professional. Therefore, if you love and care for your people then you shouldn’t be ashamed to call yourself Pro-Black. Taking the focus off of race for just a moment, if football fans cheer for Dallas over the 49’ers then they are Pro-Cowboys. Now some may ask what does football teams have to do with race. Well, if you can applaud, represent, and go hard for a manufactured group then what about your own? Being born to a team of various skin colors, hair textures, and features for some of us is not good enough to claim. Sadly, we have been brainwashed into thinking that every other team is better than ours. The deception is so strong that there is always a large number in the melanoid population rooting for or in favor of non-blacks being on top. Obviously wanting to see people that look like you win at this game called “Life” should be a no brainer. However, not only do black people have to fight the enemy which is white supremacy but fellow comrades in the struggle. What may have started off as an assimilation tactic for African Americans to survive within an oppressive system has become a lifestyle. Instead of the overall goal being to move forward as a collective group, we tend to forget the past and individualize. You know the saying, I got mine forget yours. In a perfect world black people would have enough self-love to not fight over colorism, the scrapes massa throws, or who is doing better. It doesn’t matter if you are light skin, dark skin, or rocking your natural beautiful hair. What is important is standing up for your people and having their back. So going back to the question at hand, are you Pro-Black? |
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