ManKind X The Deity Complex - MANKIND: JUNETEENTH (1820 - 1920)
Without a doubt this is the most important project of 2017 and beyond for a variety of reasons first being is survival. Now for those wondering what I meant by that is that it is impossible for a people to survive without knowing their history and the ability to recognize behavior patterns along with enemy tactics all of which is included in this album over jazzy beats. Mankind & The Deity Complex summed up the entirety of the black experience in America in one album and I feel so strongly about this that I believe it should be taught in school.
I'm not going to express how this makes me feel like how I felt when I first heard Little Brother - The Listening, the harsh truth of N.O.A.H. or even my frustration with seeing people who look like me being shot like dogs and the killers are always treated like they are as pure as the driven snow. Well this album pisses on that snow and it's about damn time. Now if your curious about the power contained in this album look below and press play. If you fresh off of fathers day and want to explain difficult topics with your children press play. If you want to be apart of the solution and not a part of the problem press play. And one more thing too. This album is free to download but I ask of you to support them financially. That "black dollar" is going to be a big solution to the mess we found ourselves in. - ZEROSYSTEM
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ZEROSYSTEM decided to do a blog to promote the illest in deep Underground Hip-Hop & Black Commentary.Archives
February 2025